When I first thought of doing this bike ride, I wanted to try to make it into a fundraiser of some kind. The Monroe Country Red Cross seemed the perfect recipient. As their name suggests, they are involved in emergency response here in south eastern Michigan. They provide shelter, food and money for people caught in the aftermath of disasters both large and small. The Monroe County RC is also involved nationally, sending many of its members to the Gulf Coast after Katrina as well as after recent hurricanes like Ike and Gustav. What I like best about the idea of helping to support my Red Cross chapter is that the donations go to an organization that functions both locally (initially my main focus) AND nationally.
So, I'm having a great time riding my bike while raising money for the Monroe Country Red Cross, a group that helps people out both on the local and the national level. I think I'm not just having my cake and eating it, too...but I'm having, like, 3 cakes and I'm eating all of them...at the same time. I hope you can get in on this great, cake-eating time! Please check back here once a week or so, as I will try to update this blog with photos and thoughts about the bike ride. If you would like to donate to the Monroe Country Red Cross, you can download a pledge form here.
YO PAT, Adrienne my parents and the girls are going to be in Gatlinburg TN on the 9th-13th. Give me a call on Kate's line 9892451490. Also, if you ever get bound up, let me know and I will send you a suite stay on the house! And some eats!
Hello Pat,
It is great to hear from you, you are quite an adventurous man. Uncle Bill says to remember to change your underwear, Aunt Sue says that she wishes she were riding with you. Have some conch gumbo (a fish) for us! We miss you, we hope you have a great adventure.
Uncle Bill, Aunt Sue, Nick, and Kelly
Dude: You are like my total hero! I was knee-knockingly excited about watching Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (again) and then I read your awesome blog and I realized that there are real heroes out there on real adventures, namely YOU! Contact us for the passcodes upon your arrival in Lauderdale. Need added incentives to complete your long journey to FLA: well, your private 5 star resort awaits you with pool, spa, fully stocked cabana bar, private sun deck for naked tanning, and of course your own yacht and crew at the dock. You know, the same setup you have in LaSalle! And, Miss Ruby Royal Bahamanian Potcake misses you terribly---cries and whimpers when looking out at the empty adirondacks. We miss you too, my friend. b and m
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